For my target audience I used Primary Research by conducting a questionnaire to ask my fellow peers how they felt about music magazines. Six questions were used, with of all of them answered fully efficient and when the results came to a conclusion it was found that all of the participants chose similar answers, so I can use these results for my target audience, etc. for my Music magazine which is crucial so that I can decide overall how I want my final peice to look like. I have had help from teenagers themselves who the RnB genre and my music magazine relates to the most, so it has helped me define more about how the magazine should be dealt with from the questions below. The questionnaire has also allowed me to gather information that cannot be found elsewhere, e.g. in Secondary Research, as it is fresh, unique and from the target audiences perspective. It has also defined the customers attitude/awareness/likely performance and buying behaviour towards the proposed product, making the results overall reliable.
To present these results I chose to use quantative data, using Microsoft Excel to conduct a pie chart so that the results were made clear to show the size of the items in one data series. This was so that I could specify this information for if and when I need it and give each question a total to tally them up and see which ones are most relevant to the magazine. The results are also lined up in order so that it is easier for me to understand and compare the results with each other to see the increase and decrease etc. between each question for the benefit of the magazine.
Music Magazine Questionnaire
Give a tick next to your answer to represent Yes or No:
1. What type of music magazine genre would fascinate you the most?
- Rock
- Pop
- R n B
- Indie
- Other (Type in the genre on the line below) ___________________________________________________________________
2. From the question above, why would you choose this particular Genre?
3. What do you look for in a Music Magazine? For example: The celebrity insiders, Images, Talented musicians etc. If so, explain why?
4. How often do you read Music Magazines?
- Everyday
- Weekly
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Never
Other … _________________________________________________________________
5. What Colours fascinate you the most in a Music magazine? Also explain why.
6. How much are you willing to spend on a Music magazine?
£1 - £3
£3 - £5
£5 - £7
£7 - £9
£9- £10
Other … ____________________________________________________________________
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