Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Equipment, Props, make-up, setting etc.


Photoshop software - This will help me design the overall fonts, pictures, effects etc. which are crucial to the magazine as the software will overall make the appearence of my magazine.

High-Definition Camera - This will give me exceptionally high-resolution photographs which will be needed especially for things such as: the feature article photograph, so that the images are not of a low-quality and pixelated etc. as the feature article photograph needs to be enlarged. The cameras help the images become much brighter and more effective, as it displays more realism from the enhancement of the images from the camera.

Tri Pod - The tri-pod will help me position the photographs where they are needed and will help me distinguish the 'rule of thirds' process within my photographs, to give a clear balance between each photograph being taken for each specific topic. The tri pod helps me move the camera more freely and take photographs from multiple types of angles and all different heights and lengths.

Make-up and Outfits - This will be for the model who will be advertised on my magazine.

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